Monday, October 14, 2013

Leo and Mich's approach to fine art.

The relationship of art and science during the renaissance has become an obvious motif in our discussions about Leonardo. However the relationship of art and science became obviously crucial in the life of a renaissance when reading about Michelangelo.

Understanding human anatomy, natural observation and physical experimentation is required of any artist, past and present, but the approach of the renaissance artist was just as much about understanding the subject physical properties and processes as it was creatively interpreting the image.

However their approach in their artwork shifted when it came to actually rendering the piece of art. Leonardo was more interested in physical representation rather then discovering internal beauty. "...the theory of Decorum. The gestures in which a figure makes must not only show his feelings but be appropriete with his age rank and feelings." (35Blunt) Lists, and categorization were all highly important when observing a subject, one could compare Leonardo to a modern sociologist or an anthropologist.  On the flip side Michelangelo was interested in interpreting a subjects beauty and an almost abstract approach, especially in sculpture, resulted.  rondanini pieta 

the "unfinished" work expressed what Michelangelo experienced, not the physical representation but the reflection of emotion. In this way, the piece of art is complete when embracing the unfinished surface.

Discussion 3 - The corrupt business of catholic rome

Renaissance Rome was a catholic run business headed by the pope and what one could call "cabinet" of clergy. As much as the church appeared to be run on merit, it was very obviously a patriarchal lineage. Family members of high ranking officials were given other high ranking positions while other clerics where given smaller roles in the church and purposely less educated. "Popes mostly viewed the church as monarchical, the papal power - both spiritual and temporal - as supreme, universal and absolute. They believed to be the new Christ figures on earth..." (- Partridge) With that mentality one can understand easily corruption could be abused. One could never do wrong if one is acting with the power of christ compelling them.

it makes me think about our own government, and the continuation of corruption in our contemporary society. What are the similarities? Why does corruption reoccur?